Pom Pom Bookmarks


Hope you all are doing amazing today. So in one of my recent blogs, I taught you how to make a pom pom with yarn or any thread. In today’s blog, we are going to use those pom poms with a slight alteration to make a pom pom book mark for you. This will be an exciting DIY craft for all the book worms out there who love to read and who love to make their own bookmarks. 

For this DIY craft, you would need:
  • Yarn
  • Glue
  • scissors
  • The basics (pencil, eraser, rubber and sharperner)
  • And that is about it!

To be honest, there is never one way of making a certain craft. You as a DIY- maker, can alter the techniques as you like to make things easier for yourself. Similarly, the videos link that I will share today uses a very different way of making a pom pom. You can either use that technique, or use the fingers or a fork to make the pom pom.

The steps are the same. 

  1. You wrap the yarn of your favorite color around the fork or your fingers 20-30 times, depending on how you want the pom pom and how thick you want it.
  2. Once you have wrapped it, you will tie a knot with a piece of string right in the center of the 20-30 fold that you just made, in a way that it looks almost like a bow.  Make sure the knot is tight.
  3. Now, if we were using a pom pom for some other purpose, like a button or a decoration thing, we would usually keep this strings length shorter or almost equal to zero because we do not want the extra string showing.

For a pom pom book mark on the other hand, we need a longer length of string which is tying the pom pom from the centre.
You can simply use one piece of string to keep your book mark simple.

Or, if you want to do a little more art and make your bookmark more appealing to the eye, you can use different colored 2 strings to tie the center knot of the pom pom. One you have made the knot, you can use the excess string and braid it together in a pattern to make your pom pom bookmark look exquisite.

The number of patterns that you can make from 2-3 strings are so many. Just check out the links shared on today’s blog so get an idea. Before that, I would like to add a disclaimer. None of the videos links shared on the blog today belong to the Crafty Blogger. The video bloggers have put in a lot of effort to make these amazing video tutorials. So let’s give them the appreciation they deserve.

I hope you all enjoyed learning these amazing pom pom bookmarks and would love to make it today for yourself. It is time for me to sign off now, until next time, stay crafty.


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