DIY Watch


Hope you all are doing super amazing today and are all set to learn another amazing DIY craft today. Today’s blog will focus on how you can make some really cool and customized watch straps for yourself. You can DIY the already existing watches that you have and reuse the dial and make something super new and something that looks super amazing. I love watches and so does my best friend.  We both have a collection of watches. Which also means that if I want to, I can do some major changes in the watches i have to make something that looks so cool like the watches shown in the videos.  You must watch all the videos shared on today’s blog as you will get so many different ideas to make watches for yourself. You can even gift these watches to your loved ones who would love a pair of customized watches made by you with so much love.

Disclaimer: All the videos that will be shared on today’s blog do not belong to the Crafty Blogger and they do not belong to the Crafty Blogger. Their efforts and amazing ideas must be appreciated as they have put in a lot of hard work to make these video tutorials for you to help you make your DIY much easier.

Wow, what an amazing idea. Who knew you could open the dial and make something this amazing with your old watch. Nobody will even guess it was your old watch. And honestly, it doesn’t have to be an old watch. You get very cheaply available watched which can be reused for customization.

Another superb idea for you all.

That looks very nice. Friendship bands and watches all in one? That sounds perfect doesn’t it? And these friendship bands are so easy to make.

I hope you all thoroughly enjoyed reading today’s blog and would love to read more from us and learn more amazing DIYs through the super amazing videos we share. Time for me to sign off now, until next time, stay super crafty. And keep DIY-ing.


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