DIY Funky Loom Bands

Hey, everyone!

I hope you all are doing amazing today. I am sure you must be aware of loom bands. And today’s blog will be about loom bands and how we can use colorful rubber bands to make these super cool and funky bands. So be ready to learn something really interesting today. The materials you would be using today would be a huge amount of colorful rubber bands and maybe just a fork, or two pencils to create the pattern of your choice.

Disclaimer: All the videos that will be used in today’s blog are not under the ownership of Crafty Blogger.  These videos are made by super creative bloggers and we do not take any credit for the creativity displayed by them.

Hope you enjoy the ideas today. Here is the first video.

How cute do those loom bands look? And don’t you love the color combinations used? You can pick a theme of your choice and make loom bands matching with your clothes. Look at the next one for more ideas.

The trick to making an extremely exquisite pattern is to follow the techniques shown by these video bloggers. One wrong overlap can change the look of the whole pattern so be very careful when overlapping the rubber bands.

Here is another brilliant idea to make something different out of the rubber bands.

This video uses the tools which are specially made for loom bands. You can easily purchase these from the market if you wish to. Otherwise, you can use the things available at home to make the same design and pattern.  As shown in previous videos, you can use pencils to arrange the pattern. The next video will give you another idea out of the box which will not need any special tools. Have a look for yourself.

These videos give you a slow and step by step tutorial to make these amazing loom bands. Just watch the videos and follow the steps to make the best bands ever. The last video for today, too, will give you a very different idea from rest of the videos in today’s blog.

Have you ever thought of using a comb to make bracelets? Well, I didn’t either, so here you go, have a look for yourself.

Yes, so those combs at your home will not just be used to make your hair, but will also aid you in making loom bands!

Never thought of that before.

Hope you enjoyed today’s blog. Do try this DIY at home and until next time, stay crafty.


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