Tassel Earrings

Hey Everyone,

Hope you all are doing amazing today. Today, we are going to learn a type of earring which is super inn these days and can give your overall outfit a perfect touch. Tassel earrings. Tassel earrings are so easy to make and can be made under a very limited budget. A few things that you might need for this DIY craft are:
  • Old hoop earrings. You can even buy new ones as they won’t cost you a lot.
  •  The earring hooks to make different styles of tassel earrings other than the hoop.
  •  Beautiful colors of thread. Silk thread would be the best for this DIY as it adds a little shine to the earrings and makes them look very formal-ish. You can also use embroidery thread if you like. It will cost you cheaper in comparison to the silk thread.
  •  The basics for every DIY crafts; scissors, glue and maybe some tape.
Now there are so many types of tassel earrings you can make.
1.       Hoop tassel earrings
2.       Earring hook tassel earrings
3.       Studs tassel earrings

Depending on how you like to wear earrings, you can choose one of the types mentioned above and make the tassel as we will talk about in the next stages of the article. The main part of this DIY is to make the tassel. So here is how we do it.


First of all, you need to cut the thread that you have according to the length of the tassel which you want. It can be as long as you like. If you don’t want them to be very long, you can always keep the tassels short and cute. Once you have decided on the length of your tassels, you need to cut the strings double to length as you will fold this piece of string to make one tassel.
For one set of tassel, again, the choice is up to you how thick you want your tassel to be. For instance, you can make 6-10 strings for a single earring hook or stud earring tassel. However, if you are making a tassel hoop earring, you might need a few more sets of strings so to cover the hoop.

The most important step for making a tassel earring is the knot. Take the set of strings which are double the size of the original length that you want your final tassel earring to be. Hold it from the center.
The technique will vary for a hoop earring and an earring hook.

For a Hoop earring:

Once you’re holding the string set from the center, fold it in half, keeping the hoop in the center of the folded strings, you need to bring the open ends through the closed end (which is where you are holding the strings from) and pulling the closed end from the other side till the string forms a tight knot over the hoop. Repeat these steps to create more tassels on the hoop. Gently trim those all evenly to give you tassel hoop earring a final touch.

For an earring hook:

When you hold the set of strings from the center and fold them into halves, the end which you hold from is where you will tie a strong knot with a single thread, and wrap the edge together in an opposite direction to the set of strings. You can attach this tassel to the hook you already have and your tassel earring is ready to be used.

You can watch the videos shared on today’s blog which show you something similar to the DIY craft I have been talking about. Disclaimer: These videos do not belong to the Crafty Blogger and we do not take any credit for the creativity displayed by the amazing video bloggers.

I hope you all enjoyed reading today’s blog and would love to read more from us. Time for me to sign off now, until next time, stay crafty.


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