Butterflies and More Butterflies

Hi Everyone!

Hope you all are doing amazing like every day. Remember how I told you guys we can use paper to make such amazing things to decorate walls, cards, gifts and so many more things? Today’s blog is going to add some more ideas to that crafting technique. The videos that are going to be shared today will show you how you can make butterflies and leaves out of paper and decorate your empty wall, giving it more meaning.

Disclaimer: All the videos used in this blog are not Crafty Bloggers property and we take no credit for it what so ever. All the videos that are being shared in today’s blog belong to people with extremely creative ideas to make DIY much easier.

So let’s have a look at how we can use paper to make our wall appealing.

This video shows us a very basic way of making butterflies out of colored paper just by folding it and cutting the edges.Follow the steps as displayed in the video to make these utterly beautiful butterflies. You can use these on your wall, on your dressing tables, gifts and also on cards for your loved ones.
Here is another video that shows us another super easy way of cutting paper according to the outline of a butterfly and making beautiful yet different kinds of butterflies.

The video blogger uses black paper which matches her room décor. You can use the colors that compliment your room setting. The video blogger has used just one butterfly on the wall which looks perfect and gives the butterfly a more realistic look. What you can add is a layer of two three papers on one butterfly which will give it a much better look. How about give it a try?

Now the next video that I will share will be an enhanced version of both the previous videos shared. It adds more perspective to your idea of making your wall look more appealing.  Here you go, take a look.

The amazing video blogger has thoughtfully made this video, hasn’t she? You can do the same for your room by making a very realistic branch out of paper, tissue, and glue, and adding the wire to it to give it a more realistic look. And please look at those butterflies, what details! Wow! I say try this at home today. You can make this with things easily available at home or even if you have to buy these materials, they are pretty inexpensive, so not much dollars will go to waste.
Here is another brilliant idea to make that branch of butterflies look more beautiful. I say add some leaves to it maybe? Yes? Here have a look at this.

This video shows the wall decorated in an autumn tree style. You can always change the theme of your tree and add some more color to it. Make it spring and add some butterflies? Good idea!

I hope you enjoyed reading today’s blog and would try these easy DIYs at home! Until next time, keep crafting!


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